Throughout the world, individuals experience the special bond that is established between a horse and rider.  A disability does not have to limit a person from riding horses.  We offer a safe, secure, fun environment for riding and achieving goals.  Our program offers riders the opportunity to focus on what they are able to do and the results are life-changing. 

For Equine Assisted Learning, the horses bring a unique perspective to the lesson. Horses are honest and they focus on the human as they see them working in the arena. Humans learn the importance of congruence and focusing on the task to be completed. Honest communication becomes essential. Team building occurs as the level of trust increases. Trust is an essential part of working with horses because of their predator/prey relationship with us. Humans learn to improve verbal and non-verbal communication. They learn to prioritize team success and to value each aspect of the team as the horses value each member of the herd.

Equine Assisted Learning allows the person to use all of their senses and learning styles while engaging in the lesson with horses. This makes the lessons fun, memorable, and invaluable for learning both leadership and team-building skills


Our riding students must complete a visit at the farm and they must have completed medical and release forms. We have an on-going wait-list.

Our groups for equine assisted learning must proide a self-evaluation to focus on goals for the workshop. All participants must complete a release form before beginning any activity at Hope Farm Granville.